SRP as part of SOLID

Clean Code Alliance organized a meetup about SOLID principles.
I had the opportunity to talk about Single Responsibility Principle at part of SOLID.
It’s a presentation I gave several times in the past.

It was fun talking about it.
There were many interesting and challenging questions, which gave me lots of things to think of.

SRP as part of SOLID

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), is the part of the SOLID acronym.The SOLID principles help us design better code. Applying those principles helps us having maintainable code, less bugs and easier testing.The SRP is the foundation of having better designed code.In this session I will introduce the SOLID principles and explain in more details what SRP is all about.Applying those principles is not sci-fi, it is real, and I will demonstrate it.
Yesterday I gave a talk in a meetup about the SRP in SOLID.

Eyal Golan is a Senior Java developer and agile practitioner. Responsible of building the high throughput, low latency server infrastructure.Manages the continuous integration and deployment of the system. Leading the coding practices. Practicing TDD, clean code. In the path for software craftsmanship.

Following me, Hayim Makabee gave a really interesting talk about The SOLID Principles Illustrated by Design Patterns

Here are the slides.

And the video (in Hebrew)

Thanks for the organizers, Boris and Itzik and mostly for the audience who seemed very interested.

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